My Philosophy
My design philosophy is based on the principles of learner-centered design, which places the student at the center of the experience. I believe that adult learners are self-directed, have a wealth of life experience and knowledge, and learn best when they can make an immediate application in real-life situations. Therefore, I thoroughly analyze the learner’s needs and goals. I design educational experiences that build on the learner’s prior knowledge and are flexible enough to meet their individual needs and preferences.
More About Me
As a long-time homeschool parent and committed community volunteer, I have experience creating curricula in many subjects, including English, science, social studies, and history, with a religious focus. The flexible principles of design that I utilize can be applied in both pedagogy and andragogy.
I’m an empathetic ENFP. I love learning about people. I’m an enthusiastic and engaged team player but I also thrive when given an opportunity to really focus on a task. I have long held the belief that I should “live, not just survive” and I endeavor to do that by exploring many interests. I always say, “As a teacher, I am first a learner.” I’m also a giver and a doer.
Always Learning
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