Learning Design Course mockup on laptop and phone

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The Learning Design course was created by Jennifer and is available for those enrolled in her Leader Teacher Program. Would you like to view a released sample of the Leader Teacher Course?

Additional Articulate Projects

Adobe Captivate Projects

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My Audience: Prospective patients for Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG)

My Process:  SME Interview, Instructional Design, eLearning Content Development, Accessibility (Text to Speech), Publish to Website

Tools I Used: Adobe Captivate 2019, PowerPoint, Canva

LXD Project

My Audience: Company Stakeholders, Department Heads with recently hired employees ~ NovoEd LXD Certification

My Purpose: Pitch New Onboarding and Talent Retention Program as LXD Design Lead

My Process:  Compile data, create learning personas from each affected department, generate a vision, blueprint, and pitch deck presentation

My Elements: Empathy map and Vision Board, Design Documents, Presentation

My Tools: Canva, PowerPoint, Adobe

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